DRIE-SWO Is Changing It's Name (Slightly)
Recently the entire DRIE (Disaster Recovery Information Exchange) organization made the decision to change it's name to be more representative of the direcion the industry is going. As a chapter in this greater organization, we will now be called
Resilience Information Exchange - Southwestern Ontario
or RIE-SWO for short. Our peer chapters are also pursuing or have pursued this change in name.
Our website is now changed to www.rie-swo.org but the previous name is still active and will auto-forward to the new website if you use it. As part of this project you will notice subtle changes to this website's content as we upgrade references to our new name:
- a change in our internet site's URL (Uniform Resource Locator) which will at some point necessitate a change at your end in your internet browser to find us on the 'net' and
- changes to the email ID's you use to reach us (i.e on the "Contact Us" tab on our homepage)
Get in touch if you have questions by emailing us at ... publications@rie-swo.org.